Sunday, July 25, 2010

i write like... cory doctorow?

There's this one website which 'analyzes' your writing style and compares it with some of the known writers. At a friend's suggestion, I tried it.

I pasted some entries of my blog and got varied responses: from American horror and fantasy writer H.P. Lovecraft to Irish author James Joyce (whose writings can give you a headache. Some claimed they had blood oozing from their noses while reading Ulysses. I did not attempt.) One blog entry was hooked-up to Dan Brown. (Of course you know Dan Brown!) I read only two of his works so far – Angels and Demons and his major break, The Da Vinci Code which I read a few years ago.

But one name keeps coming out: Cory Doctorow. I got this badge on four of my blogs:

I write like
Cory Doctorow
I Write Like by Mémoires, Mac journal software. Analyze your writing!

I am unfamiliar so I searched him in Wikipedia.

Cory Doctorow is a Canadian blogger and journalist/ activist and author of science fiction. He maintains two sites and, both heavy on tech and digital stuff. A college dropout (he went to four universities but did not earn a degree), he is an author of several novels and short stories and has been lauded in some of his works including two John W. Campbell's (sponsored by Dell Magazines for science fiction and fantasy writing) and two Sunburst Awards (annual Canadian awards for 'speculative'(?) fiction writing).

He believes in more liberal copyright laws to allow free sharing of digital media which must be his most likable advocacy on a personal note.

He quips: “If I am going to be a writer, earning a living in the era of digital text, I need to understand where the opportunities are. They won't disappear, they'll just be different, and need to be recognised. In the last days of Vaudeville Theatre, they sued Marconi because radio was killing Vaudeville, where you had to pay to go into a relatively small room to listen to music and voice. But it didn't kill music, the outcome was a thousand times more music, making a thousand times more money, reaching a thousand times more people. But in the short term, there was panic. If digital text will result in hundreds more authors, with hundreds more novels, I need to be in the middle of eBooks. I need to be heavily engaged. All those people downloading my text is good news.”

I am far from writing-to-earn-a-living but think I just found a hero.

(Blogger friends, try this out. Your discoveries can be a great fun! Here's a link.)

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