Friday, July 9, 2010

blogs in the bin

I’m a prolific writer. Fact is, I write from the most consequential (like that epiphany from my neighbor’s frequent midnight quarrels) to the most trivial of things (like say, the Aquino inaugural). But since I’m a fastidious publisher as well, most of my works barely made it to proofreading.

Here are samples:

That ode to Wowowee. Just the mere recall makes me cringe. One time, I watched this sappy episode (by the way, most of them are) of one of the show's game segments featuring father and son tandems which immediately crept to my mawkish alter ego and found me pounding on the keyboard shortly after. But after realizing how pathetic the scenario seemed that many Filipinos consign their fate in long queues just for the chance of bringing home a few bucks, it is hardly about an encouraging melodrama. Not to mention that the main host’s piquant and supercilious banters can sometimes get so despicable.

A recollection on moving houses seven times in ten years. On it, I relived the pangs of leaving and the anticipation of moving along with the peculiarity of every new discovery in each new place. Like those winding roads which lead to some of those places, the analogy of my writing wound up in mid-air. I never got past house No. 3.
Those musings from our afternoon debates in the office. I suppose, we have already tackled the entire range of debatable issues (finance, politics, population, education, sex, blah, blah) reason why the points have turned to be just a blur. (But really, I was afraid news might get through our HR and I be reprimanded for spilling. I’m too neat for that.)

Some of the pages were mere titles or first paragraphs.

In all these, there’s one thing that I realized: writing is just like, er, love – if it’s not into you, it’s not into you. No matter how you try to gloss over those little phrases you have just coined, if the elements are not there, it just becomes nonsensical drooling. So if you don’t have it, don’t push it. You might just find yourself hitting ‘delete’ more often or worse, find your work in the bin.

PS. Don’t be swooned by that first paragraph. That’s another silly talk. :-)  

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